
GP Laboratory Testing

Laboratory Testing Service at Enfer Medical for Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda (OLOLHD) GPs

Enfer Medical is Ireland’s leading ISO15189 medical laboratory providing accessible and efficient laboratory services in the specialities of Biochemistry, Haematology, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, and Genomics.

Enfer Medical is the designated partner to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda in supporting the medical testing requirements of General Practitioners in the OLOLHD catchment area. Our primary goal is to support healthcare professionals including General Practitioners in delivering exceptional care to their patients. We are clinically led and focused on patient outcomes, continually enhancing our operational capabilities to meet the evolving needs of our users while offering innovative testing solutions.

We are delighted to provide OLOLHD with a dedicated Enfer Medical GP User Manual which serves as a comprehensive reference guide for GPs.  This User Manual can be accessed via the download button to the left.  Within this User Manual, you will find detailed information about our service scope, available tests, expected turnaround times, our location and hours of operation, key personnel, clinical advice availability, and other pertinent information to help you easily access our services.