Detection of increasing circulating levels can be an indication that muscle injury has occurred and is a useful test in patients who have sustained severe muscle trauma, particularly from crush injuries, burns or electrocution, or in those who are suspected to develop rhabdomyolysis. CK was used a marker after myocardial infarction in the past, but this has been replaced by troponin.
Creatine Kinase

Creatine Kinase
Creatine Kinase is present in many tissues, but muscle and cardiac tissue contain the highest concentrations. It is an indicator of tissue damage as any trauma or injury sustained causes a release of CK into the plasma.
Plasma CK levels are useful in the diagnosing rhabdomyolysis, where levels > 1,000iu/L but can exceed >10,000iU/L. Serial measurements are useful to assess the extent of muscle damage and to monitor its progress.
CK levels over 6000U/L are associated with an increased risk of acute tubular necrosis. Other causes of raised CK include myocarditis, myositis, bowel ischaemia, myxoedema and neuroleptic syndrome.
CK is also used in infants with muscular dystrophy as an initial investigation. Less serious causes include: prolonged endurance running, prolonged immobility on a hard surface e.g. elderly patient after a fall found lying on the floor, after haematoma formation, post seizures and as a result of statin induced myalgia.
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Our Services

5mL venous serum or plasma
Enfer Medical
Enfer Medical offers N-acetyl-L-cysteine technology for the quantitative assay for Creatine Kinase. This test is CE-IVD certified.

Request Form
For clients using the Enfer Medical Client Portal, the Enfer Medical Patient Request Form (PRF) will be generated when you have completed your “Test Request” within the portal linked below.
Please note that samples suspected of containing high risk pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis should be clearly identified on the form and packed separately from other samples.

Results are available next working day.
This assay is available seven days a week.
The packaging/preparation of samples for delivery to the laboratory are required to be in adherence to all national regulations for the safe transport of biological materials. HSE guidance can be reviewed HERE.
There are specific packaging instructions and labelling requirements requiring triple packaging including:
- Primary leak-proof container – tube or vial containing the sample.
- Secondary watertight container, with absorbent material, intended to protect the primary container.
- Outer container protects the secondary container.
- Patient Request forms must be placed between the secondary container and the outer shipping container.
Further information on the packaging/preparation of samples for delivery to the laboratory is contained within the Enfer Medical Laboratory User Manual which clients are provided with.

Storage & Stability
Specimens must be tested within 7 days of collection and stored at 2-8°C.

In addition to the packaging of samples, the transport/delivery of clinical samples to the laboratory is required to be in adherence to all national regulations for the safe transport of biological materials. Enfer Medical provides a fully compliant logistics service, aligned with clients’ testing requirements.
Prompt transport of specimens:
To ensure prompt testing of samples and release of results within the published test turnaround times, samples should arrive to the laboratory by 18:00. Test turnaround time is measured from receipt of the sample at the laboratory until the time the authorised results are reported to users.
of Samples
In rare cases specimens may not be suitable for testing on arrival to the laboratory. In that case the sample will be rejected at the receipt stage and the service user will be notified immediately and an explanation as to why the sample could not be processed will be provided. Reasons why samples cannot be processed include but are not limited to:
- Samples received beyond the stability limits and/or not at the correct temperature indicated for each test.
- Incorrect sample type received.
- Leaking samples, sample not received or sample insufficient for analysis as stated below within sample requirements.
- Non-compliant samples or request forms i.e. those missing sample date information, missing sample test request and/or missing sample site/type information.
- Samples received without the necessary patient identifiers.
Our Services

Quantitative results for Creatine are reported in numeric value in U/L. Please contact us for more information on the reference ranges used at Enfer Medical.
Critical results are communicated in accordance with the Communication of critical results for patients in the community- national laboratory handbook CSP041/2019
Your Results
Following receipt at the Laboratory, results should be available on the next working day and will be reported to the referring clinician via the Enfer Medical Client Portal or in a format agreed with clients.
Established clients can login to the portal using the link above.